Butler Creek. A residential community in Kennesaw, Georgia

Butler Creek Architectural

Please review the ACC-related articles below. If you have any questions or need to submit ACC documents to the board, please contact Melanie Moore at butlercreekacc@gmail.com.

Architectural Guidelines

Over the past several months, the ACC has seen a trend whereby homeowners are forgetting, omitting, or ignoring the requirements outlined in the BCHA Covenants. These covenants clearly define what and when ACC approval must be acquired before proceeding with house and landscaping projects or alterations of any kind, including exterior house, door, and shutter repainting. To expedite approval requests through the ACC, please use the ACC Request Form linked below.

You will also find an excerpt from the Laws and Covenants below that gives a good overall list of guidelines for your property. Please read it before you make any requests for change, to make sure your property will be in compliance. Thank you

ACC Request Form
ACC Excerpts / Guidelines

Making Changes To Your Property

To make an architectural change to your house or property, you must download the ACC Request Form below and email it to the ACC Chairperson. The ACC Chairperson will review the request to make sure it is complete, then send it to the rest of the board for final approval. If there is an emergency and something needs immediate approval, please feel free to contact our ACC Chairperson to get the request expedited.

ACC Request Form